It is the 8th day of November, and with a word count just above 13,333 (but JUST above) I am currently on pace to win National Novel Writing Month for the second time. Obviously, a lot of time left. 22 days to either get to the 50,000 word mark or to leave my story left unfinished.
Here's what I am noticing about writing: it is a process. In just about every book I've ever read about writing the author stresses the importance of writing every single day. Let me just say that this is incredibly hard, even when there's a deadline approaching. Its one thing, I think, to write out a homework assignment or essay for class, but to write creatively every day can be extremely hard.
I do find myself some mornings not wanting to write in my story. I usually say "I'll write 500 words" (a decent sprint for me, doesn't take long to write them) to try and get into the flow. The daily word total is roughly 1,667 words so I figure three sets of 500 will get me close. Usually, when I shoot for 500 words, I go over a little anyways, so I get closer to my goal. Though on mornings, like today, I find that it was very much so a struggle to get to 1,667 words. While yesterday, the words poured out of me to the tune of 3,300, today I slogged through the bare minimum.
I think its a signal to me that the story needs to get moving. I've lingered in this one location for long enough, Its time for my characters to go off and do other things, maybe interact with different people. Its time to advance my plot thats in my head. When I was coming up with the base outline of this story, I had a couple of starting points in mind. I actually started writing a few days before that in the narrative. I suppose I could take this to be that I have a 13,333 word head start (will probably be about 15,000 before I get to where I would have originally started the story).
It has been fun writing in this beginning part of the story. I got to introduce a theme that I wanted to be part of the story, and also set up another theme that I'd consider to be the story's overall point. When this becomes a best seller, you'll all be able to discuss what a genius I am, no doubt.
A frustrating day of sorts on the novelling front, but its time to get this story moving. Tomorrow will bring a new day and hopefully some new beginnings for Tattered Sails.
Cant wait to read it...that is if that sort of thing is allowed.