Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Into 2019

Here we are, almost done with February, and I'm talking about entering the new year. So it goes.

A few things: I did indeed finish the H.P. Lovecraft Anthology. I mailed it to a friend so he could enjoy the works as I did. I found Lovecraft to be a good writer, though cringe worthy with his racism. The Shadow of Innsmouth in particular was just....gross, I think is the best way to put it.

To sort of cleanse the palate, I read Lovecraft County by Matt Ruff. The novel posits that Jim Crow and racism are just as horrible of monsters as anything Lovecraft could dream up. I highly recommend it.

As this is primarily a blog about reading and writing, I'll talk about my goals on that front. For reading, I want to read 70 books this year. I read 7 in January, so I believe I am off to a good start. My February load stands at two at the moment, but I feel like I'm about to finish a few books in the next few days.

A series that I started to tackle is The Expanse. I am currently about halfway through the third novel of that series, Abbadon's Gate. Leviathan's Wake and Caliban's War were terrific books. Though, fearing a burnout on what is an enjoyable series, after Abbadon's Gate, I will take a break from The Expanse. I'm planning on reading Black Leopard, Red Wolf I would say "next", but I am reading, no joke, five books at the moment. It's not so much next as it is, it'll join the rotation.

As far as reading goals for the year, I also want to read In Search of Lost Time. I have started the first volume and am enjoying Proust's prose.

I have begun grad school, which comes with a reading load of its own. I am also hoping to do more reading on rural education, which will be the focus of my professional paper.

As far as writing goes, I want to do more of it. I made a goal of journaling more at the beginning of the year, and have done none of that. I hope to rectify that situation. I also hope to work on a novel, and also work on my professional paper.

I also want to update more here. I want to do more book reviews, talk about writing, talk about my research. I assume that since it is my blog, I don't have to ask your permission.

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